What is remote programming?
Remote programming is a continuation of your recovery that gives you back more time, gives you more contact with your provider, and puts you back in control of your progress.
See How It Works
A training plan made for YOU.
Weekly Program in TrueCoach
Your custom program on your schedule
More Touch Points
Updated progressions and regressions between workouts
Consistent feedback on workouts
Accountability and check ins
A program that fits your schedule​
Save Money
Take advantage of this offer now to:
Track workouts to confirm progress
Have video of each exercise easily available for review
Gain strength and confidence
Invest in yourself and your health
Avoid future unnecessary medical visits
Get the most out of your training for all your interests, and all your life!
Remote Programming
Three months of programming at $179 per month
Single month remote programming $259
Save $240 vs normal price
Get 3 workouts per week targeting your specific needs
Anytime access through app messenger
Compliments your current training to help you get the most out of each training session
Month to month rate is
$259 x 3 months totaling $777
Are you ready?
Frequently Asked Questions
What does remote programming look like?
We set you up with True Coach, which delivers your workout right to your phone. We send you three workouts a week, and we check in with you to see how each workout went. That way we can make any changes quickly without waiting for our next appointment.
How do I use True Coach?
True Coach is an app for your phone or mobile device that lets you view, complete, and track workouts. This lets us watch how you respond, and to be able to change programs between each workout
Each session will be tailored specifically to you, your goals, and your current issues or concerns.
For more information, watch this short video here.
How do we check in?​​
Using the True Coach app, you can give feedback on each exercise or the overall workout. Having your notes about what felt good, what was difficult, and how you did helps us to make changes to your program quickly. You can even share a video of your exercise to us through the app. It gives us more opportunity to check in and change your custom program based on your feedback.
Does True Coach cost anything?
No. We cover that cost on our end, so the app is completely free to you.
Why is this a good option for me?​
We only offer this service to clients we've work with and know well. We understand the gap between recovery and performance, and we fill that space to help you get there. By continuing to work with clients to supplement their workouts and lifestyle, we can continue to impact their long term health and keep them doing what they love.
What if I have a significant injury?​
While many injuries can be addressed with targeted exercises, a better understanding, and slight activity changes, sometimes an injury requires a higher level of care. If this happens, you already have access to an expert provider that can help determine the plan of recovery. We may have you come into the office to be evaluated, or we may refer you to another provider for more information.
What if I want Remote Programming and in person sessions?
We think this is a great plan for many clients we work with. We have two options for this:​​​
​Monthly Remote Programming for $179 with package purchased for in person sessions
​Monthly Remote Programming with one in person session for $349/month​
Can I use my HSA or FSA dollars for remote programming?
Yes. This is a investment in your health, and that's your money to use as you choose. We are a qualified medical provider, and you can use both your HSA and FSA money towards remote programming. Don't let your money disappear at the end of the year, or if you're changing your benefits either.
Can I use a package session for a month of remote programming?
Yes. You can use a pre-paid package session for one month of remote programming.
Do I have to sign up for three months?
No. You can pay month to month. However, we know the best results come from commitment and time, and we want our clients as committed as we are to this process. We offer the best price with a three month commitment because we know this will get the best outcomes.